The efficiency of electric motors and its change as of 01.07.2023 according to EU standards

So, what is the efficiency class of an electric motor?
The efficiency of a motor is a measure of how effectively electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy. In simple terms, it refers to energy savings, similar to what is seen with household appliances like washing machines, refrigerators, dishwashers, and others.
Motor efficiency is usually given for nominal load. Efficiency classes for electric motors were introduced to reduce electrical energy consumption and thereby CO2 emissions. Electric motors and their efficiency are addressed by the EU directive 2009/125/EC. Efficiency classes in the Czech Republic are set by the standard ČSN EN 60034-30, which specifies which motors are covered.
Efficiency classes are divided into:
- IE1 standard efficiency (Standard)
- IE2 increased efficiency (High)
- IE3 high efficiency (Premium)
- IE4 very high efficiency (Super Premium)
Regulation (EU) 2019/1781 and summary of changes effective from 01.07.2023:
- Single-phase motors must have at least IE2 efficiency.
- Ex eb motors (zone 1 – secured design) must have at least IE2 efficiency.
- Motors with power ratings from 75 kW to 200 kW, with 2/4/6 poles, must have at least IE4 efficiency. (This change does not apply to motors used in explosive environments.)
Summary of changes effective from 01.07.2021:
- Motors with power ratings from 0.12 kW to 0.75 kW must have at least IE2 efficiency.
- Motors with power ratings from 0.75 kW to 1000 kW must have at least IE3 efficiency.
- 8-pole motors must now have a minimum efficiency of IE2 for 0.12 kW to 0.75 kW and IE3 for 0.75 kW to 1000 kW.
- Motors outside Ex eb zones (zone 1 – secured design) must have IE3 efficiency (for motors below 0.75 kW, IE2 is sufficient).
- Operation with a frequency converter is no longer exempt from efficiency requirements.
- Motors with brakes are no longer exempt and must have IE3 efficiency (for motors below 0.75 kW, IE2 is sufficient).